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in our Crack the Case and Interview Logic live workshops.
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with expertise in consulting & professional development.
in 10+ countries across the globe.
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World-Class Interview Training
“At Zintervu, my team and I are dedicated to your success. Whether you’re taking a free course, attending a campus workshop, or working with one of our private coaches, our goal is to help you showcase your talents and skills to achieve your dream career.”
David Ohrvall
Zintervu CEO
What Our Clients Say
from over 200 LinkedIn Testimonials
David’s Crack the Case workshop was so engaging and informative that I signed up for his 10-week bootcamp. His infectious energy and insider tips are exactly what I need to focus on improving my casing skills.
Interview Logic was instrumental in my preparation for ultimately landing multiple job opportunities during an unusually tough time to be a job seeker. Interview Logic prods you to examine your experience and teaches you to communicate your value in a compelling way.
So many books and methods focus on memorizing frameworks or formulas. David teaches you how to think well—structuring your thoughts and breaking down problems. If you’re serious, take a look at Zintervu.
I enrolled in David’s Interview Logic workshop last year as a first-year MBA to get some help with internship interviews. I’m so glad I did because I received offers from all of my first-choice companies.